Posted in Toddleedoo Outfits

Blog#18 – Ocean Surprises


Dears Diary

Oh my mermaidy goodness! What a days did i haves!! Okays so dis is what happens. I was walkings along da beach picking up sea shells when all suddens i hear a tiny voice yellings at me “Oi Oi looks down here at mes in the shell” it was a little crab.  “oh hi little crabs” i saids tilting my head a little confused “does yew like beings a crab in da dare shell” hims clicked his crabby legs at me and says “I am a special crab and i can turn you into a mermaid but you must give me a kiss first”. Beaming with happiness at the thought i quickly says “okay yew has a deal mr crab” so i leans down to give hims a kiss and all sudden “BANG, KABLAMBO, CHOMP” hims bit my lips and crawled away laughing yelling “i’m just a crab  not a genie”

I was rubbing my lip better when up on the shore a wImage result for mermaidhale casually rolled on up and stared at me in the eyes “Sup” he saids “crabs, aye? pinchy little jerks yeah?”, i nodded and started walking away cause my day at the beach turns hurty, afore i knew it the whale slapped me in the face with his tail and sent me flying into the ocean and with a louds and bigs “PLONK” suddenly i was a mermaids, from a distance i think i heard the whale says “TADA”. With a sore lip and a smashed in face i decided to start my adventure and i dove deep into the oceans, there was so many things to see, i swimmed and swammed all overs until my eyes dey saw something strange, i gots up closer and it was A FAIRY!

I poked the fairy in the tummy and says “hay yew a fairy yew not meant to be down heres” she replied “i got pulled down here by a angry crab, he wanted me to kiss him and he would take me back up top, i did, but then he just laughed and crawled away and now i cant get back to the top”

“Oh dears me little green thing fairy person i can helps you”. With a waves of my hand i casted a magic spell on the fairy, the ocean lighted up and the fairy was given powers to swim the ocean” she was very happy and said i was da best mermaids in all the oceans

I nodded and says “I know, kbye”

Image result for whale splashAnd that is the end of my day diary! how cools is that, so if yew ever wanna becomes a mermaids yew just gotta get smash in face by a whale okay, but dun do that cause yew a diary yew not allows to have human or fish legs.

❤ Charlie





Featured Credits  

Hanta - Lil Mermaid Outfit - Sunset (FP Exclusive) [Inworld Store] 
This is a mermaid outfit that includes the tail and top (of course) 
and a few extras. There are armbands, tiara, a waist piece and tail fins 
(to add movement) Available in 8 colors at Ninety-Nine event
Boomerang - Fairy Companion Gatcha (teal in my picture) [Inworld Store]
This is a 50L gatcha for Fairy Companions available at The Cove Seasons 1 
Boomerang Fairy Companion Vendor

Base Avatar

 Body:      Toddleedo  - Baby (Standard)                      [Marketplace]
 Head:      Toddleedo   - Mesh Head (Alice)                   [Marketplace]
 Eyes:      Toddleedoo  - Royal Green                         [Marketplace]
 Skin:      {Clair de Lune} - Odette Skin Applier *OMEGA*     [Marketplace]
 Shape:     Custom


 Hair:   *barberyumyum*94 (pink)
 Necklace: +Half-Deer+ Mermaid's Majesty - Cursive Necklace - Ocean 6 

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